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Vollständige Version anzeigen: Vortrag Oliver Samwer
Oliver Samwer (Gründer von Ebay Deutschland und Jamba; Investor und Unterstützer bei StudiVZ...) hat gestern Abend an der HHL in Leipzig einen echt interessanten Vortrag zum Thema „How to bild a successfull internt-start-up“ gehalten.

Dazu möchte ich euch einen kurzen Einblick geben. Ach ja, der Vortrag war in Englisch… wink.gif

There is no better market for young people to start a business, than in the internet. Most important part of course is the business idea.
Think about what is missing! What would you like to use yourself? Where are gaps? Think about what is missing in the market. It is not all about making everything completely new. What could you do better than others? Do others cover all customer needs? Maybe there is a market for a communication website for dogs? No! Maybe there is a market for a communication website for older people? Could be… That is the way to develop an idea.

When you have the idea, make sure what you want. If you want to make money and have a nicer kind of life, than your idea should be big enough for Germany. You might argument that internet is global. You are right! But first concentrate on one goal and do that with full force. With an internet project for Dresden you should focus on the market size. Is Dresden big enough for you idea? Where comes the money from? Who pays the service? It sounds so easy an I believe that it is indeed as easy! The first thing is the idea.

By the time you start your project, you have to make sure, that everything will be done with absolutely mega speed. Oliver Samwer has build up the German Ebay with his two brothers for example within a couple of month. And sold it after 6 month for 50 million dollar. By the time you start, you decide that nothing else than the baby counts for the next period of time! Why is especially time the important fact? Cause the first who will bring the idea to the market will have success. At this point of project it is not even important that everything is been done perfect. As faster you are as better. Sounds exiting or not?

The big advantage of internet projects is that you need only a couple of month to get it started. You will see very fast if it becomes a successful story or not. Let’s say 3 month with a big team to build it up in a simple way, 3 month to make it better an further 3 month to see if the idea will work out. In only 9 month you learn how to build up a company, you develop everything right form the beginning.

All in all, it will be a tough experience, which gives you so much knowledge about things you can’t learn in university and hardly in a normal job… If you want to start or join a start-up, the best time to do it, is right after study. Than you don’t have a family, you are used to a little income; you are motivated and full of ideas. And if the idea does not work out, you just go to a engineering or consultant job 9 month later.

Well, lets switch back to German.
Ein Wort ist bei mir gesteren sehr genau hängengeblieben: "Mega speed". Wir arbeiten auch an einem Internetprojekt. Die Idee steht und ist schon in den Startlöschern für die Umsetzung. Das Potential für Deutschland ist gegben. Nur leider fehlt die Manpower für den mega speed. Jetzt suche ich Leute mit dieser im Vortrag beschriebenen Motivation. Neue Wege gehen, Dinge aktiv mit gestalten... kurzum eine riesen Herausforderung, wo ihr mit einer Menge Wissen rausgeht. Oder bei erfolgreichem Start auch gern bleibt smile.gif. Gesucht werden: Programmierer, Datenbankenexperten, Admins, Online-Marketing Experten, Blogger aus Leidenschaft...

Vielleicht habt ihr aber auch Lunde gerochen und arbeite schon an eurer Idee. Dann wünsch ich euch an dieser Stelle viel Glück und maximalen Erfolg. Wenn nicht, dann einfach per PM melden.
Vielleicht habt ihr aber auch Lunde gerochen und arbeite schon an eurer Idee. Dann wünsch ich euch an dieser Stelle viel Glück und maximalen Erfolg.

Wie riecht denn Lunde ? tongue3.gif (typisch sächsicher Schreibfehler???)